Introducing Artist Nakeechia

Nakeechia Davis aka Tee Aye is 28 years old and was born and raised in Chester, SC and is currently residing in Georgia. Nakeechia was 12 years old when she started to put pen to paper and write her own lyrics by the time she was 12 years old she was in the studio recording them.
Nakeechia believes timing is everything; her craft is her passion Nakeechia is an openly gay hip hop rapper, I asked her how her parents felt about it and she told me that her father was never around and her Mother almost took her out of collage when she found out, but after the dust settled, they love her no matter what.
Nakeechia writes her own rhymes, home is where the heart is and I believe Nakeechia is at home in the studio or on the stage; bringing her own energetic style whist rapping and entertaining her audience. Nakeechia considers herself worldwide with her music, her methodical lyrics and strong mindset she believes puts her miles ahead of her competition. Just recently Nakeechia has been recording tracks with local talent and she has also been performing with home-grown artists such as Pastor Troy and V.I.C. she’s been performing and perfecting her art on the road with gigs in North and South Carolina, New York and Georgia just to name a few.
Nakeechia’s unique style has had a powerful impression on her critics and listeners which is garnering her quickly growing fan base. She is on the rise from demos, club plays; Internet and street promotions. She is on a winning run that I don’t believe will be ending any time soon she wants to show everyone if she can take a chance on her dreams why can’t you? To quote Nakeechia “I want my music to meet people where they are in their lives and motivate them to take that next step”. Nakeechia is an independent artist, trying to make it without a record label so she’s on her grind 24/7 to make her own dreams a reality.
Nakeechia most recently chose to join HASS Music LLC, an independent label out of Ralegh, NC. Check back for her releases coming soon!