King Killumbia presents Jumanji featuring Renni Rucci, Petey Pablo & Christou DaKeeng
Carolina Legends collaboration for a Soundtrack themed single geared toward the Jumanji film series.
So let’s get this on the next Jumanji movie soundtrack! Clean Club Banger!
Shout out to Christou DaKeeng & DJ Prince Ice for being apart of this record!
Facebook: @KingKillumbia @WeWantRenni @PeteyPabloMusic @ChristouDaKeeng @myDJPrinceIce
Instagram: @KingKillumbia @RenniRucci_ @BigPoppaPetey @ChristouDaKeeng @DJPrinceIce
Twitter: @KingKillumbia @RenniRucci @DaRealPetey @ChristouDaKeeng @DJPrinceIce